The Imps and the Incredibles - Chapter 5 - RileyOpal19 (2024)

Chapter Text

Wallace’s Cafe. Mestroville’s local cafe. Moxxie was being interviewed by the owner, Wallace Stanford. He sits quietly as the man walks into his office, and looks him over. “Hmm…” he says, looking him over. Moxxie clears his throat, as he tries to be as polite as possible, and says “hello, Mr. Stanford. My name is Moxxie May. And I was hoping to apply for work here, in your cafe.” Wallace gives a smile as he looks him over, before noticing the gloves “I see your a fan of the color pink?” Moxxie looks at his gloves, and blushes “oh! Y-yeah. I’m to admit it. I uh, don’t like to take them off, on account of it’s easier to handle hot things with gloves on” Moxxie fibs, not wanting to unintentionally reveal his superpower of his fire blasts. Wallace then thinks it over, before nodding “very valid point Mr May. Hmm, what skills are you familiar with when it comes to this sort of thing” Moxxie thinks it over, before smiling “well i have extensive knowledge about what blends of coffee and how to make them perfect. Personally i drink a cappuccino, more cappu- than -ccino, and I make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk; the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and I make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup-they always put "Foxy" or "Roxy"; I hate that.” Wallace is intrigued by his knowledge as Moxxie then continues “If the brewers can’t handle it, I go for a Venti traditional misto. I specifically use soy milk, with two blond shots affogato and ristretto! I also add... three vanilla pumps at the very bottom, then add the coffee after, then add–” Wallace holds his hand up and says “okay, okay. I get your point sir. Hmm, now that I think of it, we are in need of a new barista. Are you familiar with that?” Moxxie then replies “why yes. Yes I am. I am quite an expert in making different coffee blends” Wallace smiles and says “then it’s settled! You’re hired!” Wallace extends his hand out, and Moxxie extends his and takes it, the two shaking hands, Moxxie smiling.

A few minutes later, Moxxie puts on his barista apron, and then gets on the phone, pressing the buttons, and gets in line with Millie’s cellphone. She calls “hello?” “hi honey!” Moxxie says cheerfully” i’m pleased to report that as of today, I am now Wallace’s Cafe’s new barista!” Millie smiles happily “that’s great to hear sweetie! Ah knew your coffee smarts would come at handy on something” “I know Millie! I’m happy too! Sorry if I have to cut it short. I start work right now. See you tonight honey!” “you two sweetie!” Millie then blows kisses to the phone before she hangs up. She couldn’t wait to tell Helen the news, she then says to herself “Boy, Things sure are a lot smoother now. Maybe the Living world isn’t as bad as everybody back home thought. Hehe. ah bet every business in this town is as warm and as welcoming as the cafe Moxxie’s working at!”

Unfortunately, her thoughts weren’t reality, as Bob worked at his equivalent of Hell. Insuricare Industries. Run by Gilbert Huph, who only cared about the profits the company made, and because of it, it was not allowed to aid potentially insured customers. This was demonstrated by Bob’s latest client, Mrs. Hogenson, as with a sad expression, put a denied stamp on her insurance papers, with the old woman saying with a mixture of surprise and sadness “Denied? You’re denying my claim? I don’t understand....I have full coverage!” Bob then replies, with a dead tone “I’m sorry, Mrs. Hogenson, but our liability is spelled out in paragraph 17. It states clearly-” Mrs. Hogenson interrupts, stammering “I-I can’t pay for this!” At that moment, Bob’s desk phone rings, and he answers. On the other line was Helen, who was busy giving little Jack-Jack a bath in the sink, with the help of Millie, who was using a sponge to scrub his armpits. Helen says on the phone “ I’m calling to celebrate a momentous occasion. Moxxie is now, officially a working man!” As happy as Bob was, he was currently sad for his client. This was demonstrated as he says on the phone “that’s great honey. I’m really happy for him, but listen. I have a client” Helen replies, stretching her arm to grab the soap bottle from Jack-Jack’s hands, the baby splashing around as Millie uses her tail to scrub his hair “Say no more. Go save the world one policy at a time, honey. Oh! I gotta go pick up the kids from school. See you tonight.” Bob then says “bye back” before hanging up, and facing a blubbering Mrs. Hogenson who says with a saddened tone “I’m on a fixed income, and if you can’t help me, I don’t know what I’ll do.” she then sneezes into the tissues on Bob’s desk as she continues blubbering sadly.

Bob knew Hogenson needed help. And she was right. If he couldn’t help her, who would? So, with an observant look in his eyes, he looks down the halls to his left, then to his right. He then looks up to his other workers who were currently busy, making sure no one was paying attention. He then leans down, and whispers in a volume only Mrs. Hogenson could hear “All right, listen closely. I’d like to help you, but I can’t.'' As he spoke, he gave her a pen, and a notepad, and continued “ I’d like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox on... Norma Wilcox. W-l-L-C-O-X”. Mrs. Hogenson catches on, and writes it down as he continues “On the third floor, but I can’t. I also do not advise you to fill out and file a WS2475 form with our legal department on the second floor.” Hogenson finishes up writing everything down on the notepad just as Bob finishes “ I wouldn’t expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter. I’d like to help, but there’s nothing I can do.” Mrs. Hogenson, now having the info she had to help with her situation, says “Oh, thank you, young man.” Bob looks surprised, and shushes her so nobody could hear them. Not wanting to draw attention, he stands up above everyone else’s work spaces and calls out “I’m sorry ma’am! I know you're upset!” He then leans down and whispers to Hogenson “pretend to be upset”

Mrs. Hogenson smiles at Bob, before leaving his work space, pretending to cry into her hands. However, his boss, Gilbert Huph, just so happened to pass right by her, and charges right into his work space, saying his last name, his volume rising demonstrating his fury “PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!” Bob then stands up, having heard him, and Mr. Huph throws down some papers, asking in a furious tone “You authorized payment on the worker policy???” Bob scratches the back of his head and replies “someone broke into their house, Mr. Huph! Their policy clearly covers-” Mr. Huph interrupts as he lashes out “I don’t wanna know about their coverage, Bob! Don’t tell me about their coverage! Tell me how you’re keeping Insuricare in the black! Tell me how that’s possible, with you writing checks to every Harry Hardluck and Sally Sobstory THAT GIVES YOU A PHONE CALL!!!!” and with that outburst, the short midget with an equally short temper, leaves to his own office. Bob just stands there, sighing. Another reminder of how much he hated his job…and how much he missed the good ol’ days.

Helen enters the principal's office of the elementary school Dash went to. She was called in, and Dashed looked at her for a moment, before looking away again, as Helen sat down next to him, and asked “What’s this about? Has Dash done something wrong?” his teacher fixes his glasses and replies “oh, he’s a disruptive influence, and he openly mocks me in front of the class.” Dash mummers “he says” which made the teacher snap at him “look I know it’s you!” he then turns to Helen and says “he puts thumb tacks on my stool!” Helen is visibly shocked by this, and asks “you saw him do this?” the teacher tries to answer, but he hesitates, before admitting “no. actually not” relieved, Helen asks “oh. Then how did you know it was him?” the teacher then grins “I hid a camera, and this time i got him!” Dash gasps in shock, before looking to his mother, who glares at him. But the thing about his teacher, was that he was a man who was retro, so he took out an old VHS tape, and put it in a VCR. the video screen then showed it in black and white, and it showed the teacher walking to his stool. Dash, in the video, blurs in between the stool and his seat. That was because his super power, was super speed. And once the teacher sat down, he stood up in pain gripping his but. The teacher gestures to the screen, facing everyone, shouting “SEE???” the Parrs, and the principle, look at the recording i confusion. The teacher is surprised, before having to rewind to when he heads to his stool, he points to dash “He moves! Right there!” he then noticed, and fast forward to when he did move, but the VHS was old and distorted, so it didn’t show it very clearly, but he was still confident, as he says “Right…...there! RIGHT as I'm sitting down!I don't know, I don’t know how he does it, but there’s no tack on my stool before he moves and after he moves, there’s a tack! Coincidence...? I think NOT!!!” as he shouted, everyone looked in concern, while Dash was relieved. The principal tries to console him, saying his name, Bernie, but the teacher responded “don’t Bernie me. THIS LITTLE RAT IS GUILTY!” The principal turns to Helen and says “you and your son can go now Mrs. Parr. i’m sorry for the trouble.” with that, the Parrs leave, Dash having a smug grin. The teacher then tantrums “You’re letting him go again!? He’s guilty! You can see it on his smug little face!! GUILTY, I SAY, GUILTY!!!!!!!!! GUILTY, GUILTY!!!! NO!!!!!”

Dash was sitting next to his little brother in the car as Helen drove them to Violet’s high school. After a few minutes of driving, Helen says, in a sympathetic tone “Dash...this is the third time this year you've been sent to the office. We need to find a better outlet, a more...constructive outlet.” Dash replies, with a frustrated and somewhat rude tone “maybe i could, if you’d let me go out for sports” Helen knew he wanted to go out for sports, but she knew they couldn’t partake in any event. Knowing this, she reminded him “Honey, you know why we can’t do that” Dash replies “I promise i’ll slow up! I’ll only be the best by a tiny bit!” Helen then replies, with a more playful tone at first, but more serious as she goes on “ Dashiell Robert Parr, you are an incredibly competitive boy, and a bit of a showoff. The last thing you need is temptation.” Dash then replies, in a disappointed tone “You always say, "Do your best", but you don’t really mean it. Why can’t I do the best that I can do?” Helen responds by saying “Right now, honey, the world just wants us to fit in, and to fit in, we just gotta be like everybody else.” realizing she meant not using their powers, Dash said “but dad always said our powers are nothing to be ashamed of! Our powers made us special” Helen sighs, trying to be sympathetic “everyone’s special, Dash” Dash then slumps, crossing his arms, and says “which is another way of saying no one is”

Transition to Violet’s school. The young teenager was carrying her books, waiting for her mom’s car. She then heard the doors open, and out came a blond boy with black hair, brown eyes, and a dark blue shirt. It was Tony Rydinger. One of the boys in her class, and her secret crush. She watched as he walked down the steps, his friends catching up, and the other girls saying hi. Tony smiles before looking away. He was more into girls who were more confident, and liked him for who he was. And so far, all the other girls only liked him because he did sports. He then thought he passed someone. He turns, and sees no one there. He then turns away, and walks down to one of his after school sports clubs. Violet was indeed standing there. She had just turned her head invisible. And that was one of her two powers. Invisibility, and the power to generate force fields. After turning her head visible again, she sat down, and whispered to herself “he looked at me…” she blushed. Even though her head was invisible, it still meant something to her. She then hears a car horn, and sees her mom’s car. She then dashes to the door, and sits on the other side of her little brother as they drove off

As for Moxxie, he was standing by the front desk of Wallace’s cafe. The cafe owner smiles at Moxxie, shaking his hand, saying “that was some of the finest work i’ve ever seen, Mr. May. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow” “and I look forward to coming back Sir” Moxxie replies, smiling. Moxxie then walks out the door, and when closing, he smiles happily, and celebrates to himself “woohoo! Yeah! Finally! A job I can actually enjoy! And not have to be forced into doing stuff i don’t want to do! Best, life, EVER! Moxxie then presses his back against the wall, and slides down, sitting. He then looks at his gloves, which makes him think about his flame powers. So, when no one was looking, he took his glove off, and twirled his hand, and from it, a blue ember appeared in his palm, which turned gold, before resembling a curled up creature. It was the dragon from the other night. But it was tinier, it retained its basic appearance, but it was smaller. Moxxie expected the flames to burn when its flaws rested on his flesh, but they didn’t. Moxxie smiles a bit, before seeing if he could try to control his power. Just then, he hears a honking. He turns to see Helen’s car, and his gold dragon evaporates like that, and he puts his glove back on, and goes into the passenger seat of their car. And like that, they were off back to the Parr’s house.

As for Bob. He was starting to really hate this new day and age. He was stuck in the middle of traffic, and he was really annoyed by how it seemed like no one was moving. Finally, it seemed his luck would change, as the car in front of him was starting to move forward. Bob smiles, but then, a pickup truck with flames on it just drove up right in front of him, ticking Bob off. “HEY! What’s your hurry pal!” the man driving the truck, who was covered in tattoos, looked directly at him, unthreatened, and flat out flipped him off! Bob’s patience was running thin, but just then. He saw lights on his back view mirror. He looks behind him, and sees a high speed chase, as a biker was driving away from police officers, seeming to have done something wrong. Wanting to do some good, he got out of his car, and stuck his arm out so that the rogue biker slammed his body into it, his bike flying out from under him. Bob then held him up by his collar and said “you might be able to shake the cops, but-” he then looks to said cops who march up to him. He greets them with “evening officer! I found this piece of-” the officer interrupts him as he takes the biker and handcuffs him “police business, sir! Please return to your vehicle!” Bob is taken aback by this, and says “hey, listen i was just trying to help. I don’t need to” “return, to you vehicle, sir!” the police officer cuts him off, which ticks Bob off more. He gets in his face and says “hey, listen buddy” a second officer comes to the scene and asks “there a problem here, Ken?” “no. no problem at all. Sir. i’m gonna ask one more time. Return, to your vehicle, now” Bob scowls at this, and it only deepens when he hears a car horn, and someone shouts “traffics movin’ again pal! Quit stalin and get your ass in ya car, ya f*ckin’ idiot!” Bob scowls deeply at the insult. Nobody ever treated him so disrespectfully back when he was Mr. Incredible.

Eventually, Bob makes it back to his house. He pulls up to the drive way, opens the door, and walks out. Suddenly, he yelps as he almost slips forward. He looks down, and sees he stepped on a skateboard. He groans as he kicks it away “damn kids, sitting on the driveway”. Bob lifts his hand off the top of the car. He looks, and he realized he left a large indent after gripping so hard. “Oh great” he tells himself. Bob closes the door, but it doesn’t close. He tries again, but it doesn’t close again, thanks to the indent blocking the way. Bob then forcefully slams the door, and it succeeds in closing….but it also broke the glass window, which shatters right in front of him. Bob groans in frustration as he mumbles nonsense, before staring at his car, and scooping it up into the air, turning to chuck it to the street. Only he was stopped in his tracks when he saw a little boy blowing bubble gum on a tricycle. The two stare at each other for a moment, and the boy’s bubblegum pops, revealing his shocked expression. Bob slowly puts the car back, and walks a little ways from it. The boy continues to stare. Unsure how to respond. Bob smiles nervously, before clapping his hands together, and heads inside.

Cut to later at night. The Parrs and Mays were sitting in the dining room table eating dinner. Moxxie and Millie were in their normal forms, as no one else was around, and it was okay considering their secret was still safe. Helen at the moment, was feeling little Jack-Jack, making faces so that she could get her little boy to eat his baby food as his teeth were growing in, but the baby food kept dripping out, so she made faces to help him eat. Dash was uncomfortable as she did it most of the time, and he replied “mom. Your making weird faces again” Helen heard this, but replied with “no i’m not” as her attention remained on baby Jack-Jack. Bob was busy reading the newspaper as he replied, not paying attention “you make weird faces honey” Helen looked to her husband, and asked, with a somewhat frustrated tone “do you have to read at the table?” Bob, still not paying attention, only replied with “uh-huh. Yeah” Millie decided to step in and said “ya know, if you paid more attention to your family, ya wouldn’t look so down in the dumps” as she then took the spoon from Helen, and made airplane noises, making Jack-Jack laugh, and got the baby food into his mouth.

Moxxie then noticed Dash biting down on his steak, not even cutting it, and said “jeez! Smaller bites young man. Bob, ya think you can help Mr Varaceous cut his Steak?” Bob noticed, and leans in to cut his steak. Moxxie clears his throat, getting Bob’s attention. He looks sternly at him, reminding him of what Millie said, so Bob then replied “oh. So uh, Dash. how was school?” Dash, not wanting to tell him about his trip to the office, said “uh, well. We dissected a frog” Millie replied with “eww…” Helen then replied “Dash got sent to the office again” Moxxie and Millie looked to her with shock, saying in unison “Again???” Helen replies “His third time this year” Bob is surprised by this, and asks Dash “what for?” Dash looks to his mother, saying in an embarrassed tone “nothing!” Helen then said sternly, looking at the young man “he put a tack on the teacher’s chair. DURING class” Dash replied, with a frustrated tone “nobody saw me. You can barely see it on tape” “they got you on tape and you still got away with it? Woah!” he cuts faster as he says with an excited tone “you must’ve been booking it! How fast do you think you were going?!” Moxxie says in an annoyed tone, looking at the former hero turned father of three “Bob! Don’t encourage him!” Bob replies “i’m not encouraging! I’m just asking how fast-” Helen cries out “honey!” but too late. A loud crashing sound occurs, and Bob looks down to see that he not only cut only a tiny piece off of Dash’s steak, but he also cut down to the plate itself, which shattered, leaving the plate stuck to the table. Bob groans in frustration, slumping down on his seat “great. First the car, now i gotta pay to fix the table,” “the car?!” Helen asks in worry “what happened to the car?” Bob, too frustrated with his day, sits up, and gives Dash his dish, saying in a frustrated mumble “here. I’m getting a new plate” with that, he yanks out his knife, packs up his newspaper, and heads into the kitchen

Moxxie and Millie knew right away he was clearly unhappy. But they didn’t dwell on it, as Millie turned to Violet, who was quiet all night, and asks “so, what about you Violet? How was your day?” Violet says in a saddened tone “nothing to report?” “really?” Millie asks “cause you barely touched your dinner” Violet then replies “i’m not hungry for meatloaf” Helen tries to cheer them up by replying “well. It is leftover night. We have steak, pasta, what’re you hungry for?” Dash smirks as he says to Violet in a singsong tone “Tony Rydinger” Violet blushed at Dash mentioning his crush, and loudly whispered “shut, up” Dash replies back “well, you are!” Violet then snaps, pointing her fork at him “i said SHUT UP, you little insect!” Dash then replies to his mom “well, she is!” Moxie stands up, saying to dash, “Dash, don’t antagonize your sister. Violet, don’t snap at your brother like that” Millie replies “Moxxie’s right. Now the two of you eat your dinner. Your mama worked hard to make this meal” Helen smiles at their support. But that was gonna change, as Dash says, holding a cup to his mouth “she’d eat if we were having Tony Loaf”

“THAT’S IT!” Violet snarls, chucking her fork to the table. She then lunges at Dash, her head turning invisible as a full on brawl occurred. Violet pins Dash down, and the latter repeatedly slaps her invisible face. Moxie shouts “Violet! Let go of your brother right now!” meanwhile Jack-Jack babbles in amusem*nt, completely oblivious to the situation. Dash kicks Violet off of him, her face turning visible again, as he then rapidly ran around the table shouting “your gonna be toast!” as he ran passed violet, he repeatedly slapped the back of her head. Millie then shouts “Dash! Stop runnin’ in the house this instant!” having enough of his brother, Violet summons a force field the size of Millie, which Dash crashes face first into and falls on his back. Violet chuckles as his brother shouts “Hey! No force fields!” Violet comebacks with “You started it!” Dash lunges at Violet, but Helen shouts “You sit down!” stretching her arms constricting him like a snake. Helen then shouts “YOU sit down” to Violet and does the same with her. Suddenly, the two children dashed under the table. Moxie and Millie grab the backs of their shirts with their teeth in an attempt to pull them apart, their hands morphing into hooves as they went down on all fours.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Bob had just washed a new plate and places it down on the table. He then reads the paper, and then, one particular article catches his eye. He then reads it aloud “Simon J. Paladino, longtime advocate of superhero rights, is missing” Bob then recognized the picture of the man in the article, as one of his old superhero friends


“BOB! IT’S TIME TO ENGAGE!!!” He then heard his wife call out. He then headed into the dining room to see all the commotion, as his wife called out “Do something! Don’t just stand there! I need you to, intervene!” “you want me to intervene?” Bob rhetorically asks, as he then proceeded to grab the table, and scoop it up into the air, shouting “Okay, i’m intervening! I’m intervening!” inadvertently, Moxie and Millie lose their grip of the children and fall to the floor. The shaking of the table causes a pepper shaker to fall of, and land on Millie’s face. The pepper gets into her nose, and as if on cue, she sneezed, jolted back, and inflated into a giant spherical ball, which made Jack-Jack babble happily, gripping his palms at her. Meanwhile Moxxie gets up, and grips Dash and Violet’s faces, pushing them away from each other, crying out “Children! Stop fighting this instant!” the kids overlap as they reach their arms violently at one another. Just then, the doorbell rang, making all of them cease their activities and stare at the door. Jack-Jack turns to the door as well, making a babbling sound that sounded like he was asking “hello?” as if on instinct, Moxxie let go of the kids as he rushed up to his wife. Helen let’s go of the kids, and Bob puts the table down. The Parrs then all scoot their chairs back in and sit down as if trying to act normal. Moxxie then rolls Millie to the living room doorway as he calls to Dash “keep them distracted while i get Millie out of here!”

Dash heads up to the door and answers it, and when he opens it, who should appear than Bob’s old pal Lucius, Aka Frozone! “Hey Lucius!” Dash calls out as he then dashes back to his seat, Helen stretching her arm to stable the dining room ceiling lamp as Lucius replies “hey speedo. Hey Helen, Vi, Jack-Jack.” Bob then chuckles “hehey! “Ice” of you to drop by!” Lucius then laughs, before saying seriously “never heard that one before” Dash then gulps a mouth full of water, and gurgles “hey, Lucius!” and just then, he spat out water, aimed directly at him. Lucius cries out “Woah!” before using his ice powers to freeze the water turning it into an icicle. He then does a barrel roll, and catches the icicle before it shattered on the floor. He stands up, and chuckles modestly “ha-ha!” Dash then groans “aww. I like it when it shatters”. Lucius then heard the sound of shoving, and turns to see Moxxie trying to push Millie through the doorway. They then look to the man, who drops the icicle, and shouts in surprise “HOLY mother of Thunderhead! You weren’t kiddin’ Helen, that gal’s like a balloon!” Moxxie and Millie looked concerned at first, before Helen reassured them “it’s okay Mox. Mills. Hes a friend of ours. He’s cool. Lucius, these are our new neighbors, Moxxie and Millie” “uh, greetings?” Moxxie says, waving, with Millie just moves her hand side to side, the motions making a rubbery sound. “Well, pleasure to meet you fellas.” Lucius says, walking up to the freckled imp, shaking his hand “the names Lucius. AKA, Frozone” “oh yeah! From the Mr. Incredible comics!” Millie remembers “you were Bob’s best pal and crime fighter back in the glory days!” “yep. That’s me” Lucius says, smiling, “you uh, need some help there?” “admittedly, yes” Moxxie admits, as he continues to push Millie through the doorway. Lucius then helps out, as the two then push, and finally, after one or two pushes, Millie is pushed out of the other side of the doorway.

“Phew. thanks for the help” Moxxie says, thanking Lucius, who replies “anytime bud” “say, if you’d like to,” Moxxie offers, giving him a card to Wallace’s Cafe” you can always come by the cafe and the two of us can talk, about, how it was back then. My break times are from 11:05 to 12:55, if your interested” “ya know Mox, i’d be delighted to” the former ice super accepts, before Bob gets up, getting a black coat, saying “i’ll be back later”. “where you going Bob?” Helen asks, before Bob takes Lucius’s hand and answers “it’s Wednesday” Helen sighs “bowling night. Say hello to Honey for me Lucius” Helen then waves as the two leave, Lucius saying “will do! Night Helen, night kids! Nice meeting you Mox!” “you too Lucius! See you at the cafe tomorrow!” Moxxie waves, before the door closes. Moxxie smiles before she rolls Millie through the living room to the slide doors to the backyard. He opens it, and pushes Millie through, before getting her through, calling out “night Helen! Night kids! See you tomorrow!” before closing the door behind him, and rolling Millie to the gates separating the Parr’s backyard from their own

As they left, Helen then looks to Dash, who then looks at him, and smiles embarrassed, giving a matching chuckle. Hele then says sternly “Don’t think you’ve avoided talking about your trip to the principal’s office, young man. Your father and I are still gonna discuss it.” Dash then replies, with a frustrated tone “i’m not the only kid who’s been sent to the office you know” Helen then replies “other kids don’t have superpowers. Now, it’s perfectly normal to-” but at those words, Violet says in a furious tone “Normal? What do you know about normal? What does ANYONE in this family know about normal!?” “now wait a minute, young lady!” Helen starts, but Violet continues “We ACT normal, mom! I wanna BE normal! The only normal one is Jack-Jack! And he’s not even toilet trained!!” the baby in question looks to her mother, with a seemingly upset look, before he then spits, and then laughs, completely unfazed and oblivious to everything. “Lucky” Dash says, before the girls look at him. He looks embarrassed and clears up “I-I meant about being normal” before looking at them with an embarrassed look at what he had just said before.

The Imps and the Incredibles - Chapter 5 - RileyOpal19 (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.