Solo Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp (2024)


I head out to the Badger's Rest Bushcraft Camp for a Solo Overnight camping trip with minimal gear. I opted for a lightweight loadout, with just a tarp, hammock and sleeping bag to lay under the stars with. I took a few more items with me which I go through in the video. Hope you enjoy it.

My Instagram:

EPIC Cheap Camping Grill:

My Tarp:

My Hammock:


If you wish to send me stuff:

Mike Pullen

PO Box 7466


RG27 7NA

Channels I watch regularly:

Scrambled O:

Joe Robinet:

My Self Reliance:

Zed Outdoors:

Music (in order of song played)

1st Track from Audiojungle

2nd Track: "Phoenix Fire" by Simon Alexander:


Tags: solo,overnight,bushcraft,camping,minimal gear,lightweight,gear loadout,solo overnight,bushcraft camp,natural shelter,tarp,hammock,campfire,fire lighting,tinder,survival,edc,primitive,bug out,taoutdoors,campout,wild camping,grill,steak,camp cooking,wild edibles,foraging

Video Transcription

hey guys Mike here thanks for clicking on the video I'm here the badges rest bushcraft camp which you guys so kindly named in a video couple of weeks back now this is the first solo urban writer that I've done at this camp and currently we're experienced we're in beginning of July and the UK at the moment is experiencing some pretty hot weather it's upwards of twenty nine thirty degrees

it's very muggy there's no wind there's so many bugs about but it loads out tonight I've got a t-shirt on which was a seriously bad idea but I do have a hoodie for later so the plan is I'm going to set up the top of what my hammock with me so really really kind of light overnight to this one I've come with minimal gear and I'm just going to run you through the gear I've got now then we'll set it up and get some grub going and I've also got some beers for later

so first up I've got my tart this is a DD 3 by 3 meter top not sponsored by them but I'm just giving you guys this information I keep this in a small stuff sack here then I've got my hammock again is the dista BT frontline hammock it's got a bug net with it which is essential for me for the summer months I've got my summer sleeping bag this is a two season sleeping bag rated down to about six degrees or three degrees I can't remember

probably about six degrees of comfort rating but it's fairly cheap bag that doesn't really matter too much in the summer I think your winter bag needs to be much much more durable and warm so in the side pouch of my bag I've got my one liter stainless steel bottle with a nesting cup as well it's got water in it I bought water with me because no water source here as far as tools go I'm on minimal gear so all I've got is my knife mister vertice Tillis or youth Elise and and a fire steel and leather sheath that's it I've got no saw I've got no axe we're going minimal on this one then got a flashlight usually have my head torch for discharging at home so I've got flashlights there some of the most important stuff actually this is new stuff because last time I was using deep spray and a lot of you guys said don't use B it's really not good for you so what I've gone for is this Sawyer it's like a lotion that you put on that's an insect repellent from soya then if you guys could see that there you go not sponsored by them but yeah that's just they're going to give that go to lotions you rub into your skin kind of like Sun cream really and that's got insect repellent and it says it lasts up to 14 hours and it repels mosquitoes and ticks which is handy

we do have ticks about this summer then about you guys we do also got the soya Sun clean there as well which I don't need at the moment this evening but maybe for tomorrow small vc4 sharpening stone which I don't intend to use but just in case my knife gets any Nicks I can use that sharpen it got an oilskin pouch here and a canvas pouch here this has got all my wash gear in for cleaning teeth and things like that this has got all my cordage in these were made for me by Tim at Blue Angelica bushcraft really nice guy there's a lot of custom brush cross stuff big fat steak I've got inside this I've got my camping grill which I'm going to grow my steak on later on couple of bits dried fruit and porridge for the morning the snack on and the PS della resistance a nice cool beer I've also got a small first aid kit which is at the bottom of the bag probably love it to get out because all my food and snacks everything is on top of it but yes I do have a first-aid kit

but that's it guys that's all the gear of course it's really minimal it's nice and lightweight it's a lovely evening thankfully starting to cool down now first things first I gotta set up my hammock and my top [Music]





they'll happy you guys if you were using feather sticks and a fair rod sometimes you can just place your fur rod into the bundle like that and fire sparks into a little light but often these parts just like they're here just get blasted away and you lose them so what I've been doing lately actually is between off a bit of the oxidized material and then lay your fire steel on the stick itself the feather stick right up against the the Kuril stem curls yeah get it right there then hold it with your stick with your hand nice and tight nice firm and that way you don't have to worry about the curls getting blasted everywhere okay there you go you have the flame that's very tender last age catch a bit more

luckily everything's pretty dry so we should be okay get that teepee going oh it's very green because it's very smoky [Music]



you missed and Bible some sort of grill I've kept in this packaging just to protect the actual oil skin pouch dead easy grill this just folds out nice and neat let's get on the fire whoa rump state this is looking forward today

put some more skipped on underneath it's great but it's got a bit of clearance there so that you can actually put some sticks on these to keep that flame going which is awesome you know the grill itself is just so cheap as off so worth it there we go once a long hose the cat's fingers take ya time to flip it oh look at that boom yes buddy so I get a lot of questions with this grill about how do you lift it off the metal so hot on the side how do you lift it off without burning your hands because it's all metal all you do is get yourself sticks like this and you lift it one each side underneath the pivot points for the legs and then you can lift get level move it off the fire like so or move it back on the fire for example if the flames got too high and you're burning your food it's a good chance let's just grab two sticks hook under there move it move it back nice and easy

but a tip worth knowing people one

okay so steak is ready gonna cut it straight from the grill made a nifty fork because I forgot my spork so it's just a spiky stick and obviously my knife in the other hand to give it a taste test oh yes it's pretty well done to be fair but who cares who cares hmm

yes good do you mind plane

Damus Joe's plane from Ontario he's coming way over here it's a long flight going to show you every bit cloudy 'it is either forgot States by snap it No thank you good day spoon oh well still good enough without shakes place state spice would have killed it look a dead do the edge date boy shout out the Martin at scrambled a go check his channel out guys he's a nice guy dead set outdoors another great channel Sean my self-reliance I've been really enjoying his channel lately he's doing a log cabin project which is awesome so definitely follows Sean and he's a fisherman obviously my boy Joe most he probably follow him anyway but he's making killer videos at the moment check him out

no girl collaborate with it Monday I'm sure and Martin's crumbly and said it's getting more near evening obviously now it's getting I wouldn't say skan* dark Suns not quite set yet so hot I'm letting the fire burn down I could leave it going

it's got bit of smoke coming up I might put some green leaves on it just to smoke it out smokes and more teas out for a bit cuz I can hear them buzzing around I haven't put mozzie repellent on yet because I didn't move in my hand I'm eating my food yeah boy yeah if you guys are on instagram please hit me up as ta outdoor official as a link in the description are generally up though daily pictures on there and the Instagram story so I sort of mess around with and have a laugh so check it out ta outdoor official link in the description it's a bit of a big mouthful there got a new camera as one so maybe your you might notice the quality change in the last few videos yeah I'm on a new camera so hopefully you guys enjoy the new footage trying to smoke my clothes so the more Z's gonna get me naturally it smells quite nice as most mosquito repellents generally tend to citrusy although that smells a bit like yoga pretty not good to keep inhaling it it's pretty cool actually it's got the kind of first aid instructions on what to do if you get in your eyes etc I've got some wings on the back here but then if you peel this label here it's got full instructions on the back on how to UM how to apply it which i think is really neat so I could doubled up never see no for hidden instructions so my friends it's time for a beer oh yes beer time now this is called old golden pen I've had I would Speckled Hen before some voices in Twitter I've had it holds back with him before and it's great actually really good and so this is their golden versions the golden craft dear and it's 4.1% is not too strong it says golden crisp and fresh and this is oh look whole golden hen captures a celestial ray of sunshine in the form of a rare and very special tasmanian hop called galaxy there is always a triumph for its sheer powers of refreshment multi sweetness

a hint of tropical fruit and a clean finish out of this world the aroma is tropical and notes of grapefruit and manga that tastes these tropical fruits and malt sweetness with a crisp finish drink responsibly people are beer in the eye bye bye bi Bo cheers guys wherever you're watching this thanks for watching thanks hitting the subscribe button if you did thanks hitting the thumbs up button if you did oh wow that is amazing that is like 10 times better than old Speckled Hen old gold man that is incredible hmm that is incredible my camera focus is starting to go sorry about a load like ice and my then time we had talk to me about the flashlight which I'd like to bring out a member camera still rattling anyway yeah this down that Joe's plane goodbye to Ontario that's the joke man mmm anyways what I was going to say before Joe's plane interrupted is this has mania nope it's got very special to has mania hop called galaxy it's honestly it's like nothing I've ever tasted before

and I've got a lot beers yeah this this galaxy hop it's just that it's so tropical it's hard to describe a taste it's like it's almost like an IPA if you can imagine an IPA is similar to an IPA but mixed in with real maltiness it's just weird market with so I'm just letting the flames it'd be sticks blown down I'm not putting any last logs on because I don't need a long time fire and identify for heat put a look at their members man look at their members lovely it makes them nice change this is the fire pit just a couple of stains on a metal plate it's getting a bit dark show you camp will show you in the morning



anyway fellas I'm going to see you in the morning hopefully where I'll cook up some food and see what the day brings me Cheers

morning guys didn't speak great to be honest soft fell asleep relatively early for about an hour or so and I woke up and then I was up for three or four hours that's what it felt like anyway that tends to be my sleeping pattern anyway sometimes I just fall asleep we quickly wake up really quickly and I can't get back to sleep for ages it's beautiful morning though Sun's up there not what the time is I think it's like just gone seven yes just one seven I can tell us a bit my activity planes and stuff but yeah it's a lovely camp I really like this spot it's very peaceful with birds and everything so the plan is now I'm going to get a small fire going really fancy a cup of coffee quite desperate form I think I've got some breakfast but definitely got some drive free but ideally I'd like some porridge but let's check my back about pretty sure got some porridge in there that's just amazing and if you guys can see it's like a jungle here there it's amazing this place you got Bracken you've got rhododendron bush there which is an evergreen you can hear the birds that's the entrance over there action the fires still got to get that going that is awesome might use the old cooking tripod I think yeah I'll use the cooking tripod sort of these feather sticks again this morning got some nice curls going


so all I've got if it's online just hanging from my paracord is a stick which is just the support stick then I've got the kind of fish gage mouth fish mouth opener for the the bottles you can use them on the stainless steel bottle and the stainless steel nesting cup as well they've got the lid on it and then I've just got about worse about 3/4 for I never fed it right to the top cause it will bubble over but I can adjust the height of this simply by moving the legs of the tripod so now the flames getting lower I can just lower the tripod like that then it keeps that over the flame as much as possible shouldn't take too long to boil hopefully bring on the car free cup of coffee

as identity porridge so lucky I packed some sweetened dried cranberries and my trail mix which I'll mix up I get it is quite regularly during the day anyway it's got a mixture of nuts these bright side of things that M&Ms raisins there's all sorts in there so that is breakfast this morning nice fatty healthy mixed breakfast peanuts aren't amazing for breakfast but em gnomes are pretty good we think we're avoiding the spot oh yes

she's boiling coffee down here my coffee and a test-tube this makes it easier store spent coffee oh yeah sturdy stuff cheers nice nice warm coffee in the morning hot coffee good coffee day so this plane is still nesting cups actually really neat this it's got the folding handles it's got increments on the inside for measurements to help you up to 700 milliliters or 25 ounces there there it's just designed really well so there's two slits and the end of these this lid which is perfect there's two holes one either side here you place your lid like that stretch this out a bit and then squeeze it put pointing through the other and deter and as you can see then got yourself a bottle hanger or a pot hanger sorry which is really neat and then this comes on down like that let's get out and it just pushes together flaps over itself other way you put it there and then it locks and it's easy to store and I store this next to in my backpack so that kind of goes in the side pocket and these just sit down the side of it like that in the backpack protip this is last night set up I had an open tarp on one side just so I could see out really into camp this is my lovely view at the wall I did previously in the video you guys may have seen it I'm going to do the same with that wall over here eventually build it up over there and then I kind of want to build that wall up a bit here eventually I'm going to put a wall along here and have an actual shelter here and natural shelter but who knows not just yet at the moment I'm just temporary

camping hitters two birds trees which are perfectly perfect distance to just fit the top in and then this is the frontline hammock with the bug net so it's got two EPs either side so it's the same on the opposite side over there nice big long zips and then this can you can roll this right up with the other side as well and it pinches in the middle so you can kind of have it open or you can just undo this all together the suspension slings here and let that flop down on the net and you can just have an open hammock if you want to just lie on the net but in here it's not a double-layer hammock it's just a single lay but I have my if you can see this my shemagh for my pillow just keep that in my bag that's up on the top then my sleeping bag T season sleeping bag I think my head was at that end last night I know they talked about the 30-degree angle a little tip as well if you have your sleeping bag cover your stuff sack which is here wrap that over your feet inside your sleeping bag at your foot end and it keeps your feet warm because generally in a hammock your feet get cold quite easily so yeah wrap that over there then underneath here somewhere here if I can find it where is it just here there's a bit of velcro which allows access to the under layer of the hammock in between in between your sort of sleep layer and your outer shell and that allows you to put either a roll mat in there or reflective blanket in there just really handy to be honest they sort of thought about everything Dede with this hammock a very neat little hammock I haven't had the need I've got some Whoopie slings snap so I haven't I've been waiting for ages for them actually and but yeah so I've just gone back to the original webbing system for the hammock it's not been raining so it's been fine I didn't need any drip lines with prostate knots or anything because I knew the forecast wasn't going to rain and we've had no rain for so long here in the UK this is just the hammock sleeve which protects the hammock and makes it way easier to put away scoffs like which is here and that's the view of people that is the view awesome stuff tires going to go out now [Music]




don't fire

Oh God these hotdogs [Music]

you miss that right [Music]

well guys I have 16 seconds left on my camera tips I'm gonna have to say goodbye but I say thank you very much to everyone who's watched the video if you did enjoy it please click the subscribe button and camp is packed up I've got my gear down there ready to go hope you have a great day guys and I'll see you soon on another episode of ta outdoors [Music]

Written on 06 July 2017.

Solo Overnight at The Bushcraft Camp (2024)
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