💞 Hearts Emojis Collection — Copy & Paste! (2024)

💞 “Hearts” Collection of emoji symbolizes strong feelings and sincere emotions. Such as passion, love and affection, for example. The meaning behind the emojis included in the set is rarely about anatomy. Instead, they nearly always represent an expression of sympathy, a demonstration of friendship, a declaration of love, or a manifestation of resentment and disappointment.

The very first piece of the collection designed as a part of the Unicode standard was the

❤️ “Red Heart”

emoji. It was approved in 1993 in the version 1.1 as “Heavy black heart” and was added to the Emoji set version 1.0 in 2015. Later on, all Unicode characters with at least one heart icon have been included in the 💞 “Hearts” collection.

As a result, the collection comprises more than 40 emoji items. 20 items on the list look like regular

🤍 Hearts

, but vary in modifications and color. Other emojis of the collection don’t only contain hearts, but are also in some way linked to the notion of “love.” Like for instance they can depict 👩❤️👨 couples in love or a

💏 Kiss



Each heart emoji carries a specific meaning. This is why messages containing the emojis from the 💞 “Hearts” set are interpreted according to their colors and versions. Here is how to interpret the meaning of the most commonly used emojis in the collection:

❤️ “The Red Heart”

. A classic version of the heart that represents strong mutual love and speaks of romance in a relationship. Because of the red color, in some texts it is interpreted literally as life or the

🫀 Human heart


🖤 “Black Heart”

. It is considered to be a dark emoji and usually expresses sorrow, sadness, sorrow, and melancholy.

🤍 “White Heart”

. The white color is usually perceived as something pure and bright. Hence, this emoji translates kindness, generosity, bright feelings and pure thoughts. Such heart can be used to express love for children and parents.

💚 “Green Heart”

. The obvious meaning is love of

🍃 Nature

. But the emoji also indicates envy, jealousy, and relationship difficulties.

💙 “Blue Heart”

. The blue color combined with the heart shape symbolizes peace, hope, friendship and harmony. Similar to the sea

🌊 Depths

, the emoji illustrates the depth of love feelings.

💜 “Purple Heart”

. On one hand, the purple hue is associated with fashion and glamor, but on the other hand, it helps to express sympathy, compassion, and support. It is another emoji which reflects love for mother and father.

💛 “Yellow Heart”

. This is an emoji about love without romance. Such as a love for a friend, life, an

🐾 Animal

, a

🚘 Car


🍽 Food


🧡 “Orange Heart”

. Depending on the context, can allude to a friendship that turns into something more.

🤎 “Brown Heart”

. It tells both a story of dashed hopes and simply a love for

🍫 Chocolate


💖 “Heart with Glitter”

. This emoji is also called a

✨ Sparkling

heart and is used to show admiration and strong love.

💝 “Heart with Ribbon”

. A perfect emoji for greetings. It can replace the words “

🎁 Gift

from the bottom of my heart” and “I give my love”.

💘 “A heart pierced by an arrow”

. Symbolizes a heart with Cupid’s arrow and can be of help when declaring one’s love.

💔 “Heartbreak”

. The emoji expresses all the pain and sorrow one feels at a breakup or unrequited love.

❤️‍🔥 “Flaming Heart”

. This emoji conveys strong emotions. Whether it’s passion, love and lust, or anger, rage and jealousy.

💗 “Growing Heart”

. The element, which looks like a combination of three hearts, describes a state of trembling in the chest.

💓 “Beating Heart”

. Not only it signals to the other party about the existing passion, but also of the incipient feelings.

💕 “Pair of Hearts”

. The emoji expresses mutual love and affection.

💞 “Spinning Hearts”

. This emoji represents a state of falling in love and warm feelings.

❣️ “Heart-Exclamation”

. It shows agreement, and attracts additional attention.

❤️‍🩹 “Heart and Bandage”

. It symbolizes a cured heart, both of love and of physical injury.

By choosing an emoji color that matches the meaning of the message, you can convey feelings more accurately and understand each other better. Sometimes even without words.

How to use

The primary connotation of the “heart” emoji is love and sympathy. So you can use the collection to describe pleasant and heartfelt moments in a relationship, express tenderness, love, and passion.


❤️ “Red Heart”

when you share online your strong and tender feelings, and complement your love correspondence with other emojis from the 💞 “Hearts” set. For instance,

💌 “Love letter”

, 😍 “Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes”,

😘 “Face Throwing a Kiss”


❤️‍🔥 “Heart on Fire”


Ask your partner on a

🕯 Candlelit

date at a restaurant or a hotel to confess your love or

💍 Make a proposal


Or maybe there’s been talk about

💒 Wedding

for a while? 💞 “Hearts” emoji set will help you discuss the vibrant event and the future family life. The



“Places and Travel”



sets of emojis will enrich your conversations.

One can talk about

💏 Couple’s

love forever. But the heart emoji isn’t just about romance and gender relations. Share on social media about your favorite

🐈 Pet

, 🍨🍰🍩 sweets or a movie. For no reason, write to your 👵👴 parents to express your warm feelings with the heart of the right 🤍💜 color.

The heart emoji can have other purposes too. Use an emoji from the collection:

  • In business correspondence to highlight lists and attract attention. The ❥ “Rotated Heavy Black Heart” and ❣️ “Heart Exclamation” emojis could be a great fit for this;
  • When chatting online about 🏥 Hospital visits and 👨⚕️ doctors. This is where the 🫀 “Anatomical Heart” comes in handy.

In any case, there are no one-size-fits-all ways to use the 💞 “Hearts” emoji. So simply trust your imagination.

Fun fact: There have been selected top 3 emojis that help to win the companion over during romantic communication and flirting online. The top 3 emoji from the 💞 “Hearts” collection are

😘 “Face Blowing a Kiss”


🥰 “Smiling Face With Hearts”


😍 “Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes”

. The survey was conducted by Adobe in 2021. Internet users from Germany, USA, France, UK, Australia, Japan and South Korea participated in the survey.

💞 Hearts Emojis Collection — Copy & Paste! (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.