Ever Heard Of A Scullery Maids? Discover Their Role In Historic Homes (2024)


Scullery maids were an imperative part of households in historic times, playing a vital role in maintaining the cleanliness and organization of the kitchen and surrounding areas. Their duties included washing dishes, pots, and pans, scrubbing floors, and cleaning cooking utensils tirelessly. Despite their hard work and long hours, scullery maids were often at the bottom of the hierarchy in a household, receiving little pay and living in cramped quarters.

Working as a scullery maid was physically demanding and posed health risks due to harsh cleaning chemicals and hot water. Long hours of standing and repetitive tasks could lead to fatigue and various physical ailments. However, it was also a position that allowed some upward mobility for servants who showed dedication and skill, with the potential to advance to higher-ranking positions in the household staff.

Today, the role of scullery maids may no longer exist in modern homes, but their contributions to maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of historic households should not be forgotten. Learning about the lives and experiences of scullery maids provides valuable insight into the past’s social structure and domestic life, shedding light on the often-overlooked individuals who worked behind the scenes to keep households running smoothly.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scullery maids were vital in historic homes, specifically in the kitchen area.
  • They were responsible for cleaning dishes, utensils, and kitchenware in a scullery, a separate room from the central kitchen.
  • Scullery maids also prepared cleaning products like soap and scrubbing powders from scratch.
  • They carried out tedious tasks such as scrubbing pots and pans and polishing silverware to ensure cleanliness in the household.
  • While at the bottom of the servant hierarchy, scullery maids were essential for maintaining the household’s cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Many scullery maids worked long hours with physically demanding work, often with minimal breaks.
  • The role of scullery maids provides insight into the hard labor and social dynamics within historic households.

The Scullery Maid: Origins and Etymology

Ever Heard Of A Scullery Maids? Discover Their Role In Historic Homes (2)

A certain mystique surrounds the role of a scullery maid in historic homes. Often portrayed in period dramas and novels, the scullery maid was an imperative figure in the hierarchy of domestic service. But where did the term ‘scullery’ originate, and what does it signify?

Tracing the Roots: The Word ‘Scullery’

The word ‘scullery’ can be traced back to the Latin word ‘scutella,’ meaning a small dish or platter. In medieval times, the scullery was the room in a castle or estate where dishes were washed and stored. It was a back-of-house area, often located near the kitchen, dedicated to cleaning utensils and kitchenware.

Over time, the term ‘scullery’ evolved to refer to the room and the person responsible for maintaining it. The role of the scullery maid was demanding and imperative to the smooth running of a household, as they were tasked with scrubbing pots, pans, and dishes, often in less-than-ideal conditions.

Historical Emergence of Domestic Service Roles

Service roles within historic homes were highly stratified, with each position carrying specific duties and status. The emergence of domestic service roles coincided with the rise of the wealthy elite in the Middle Ages, who required staff to manage their immense households. The hierarchy typically included positions such as butlers, housekeepers, footmen, and scullery maids.

In the intricate web of household staff, the scullery maid occupied one of the lowest rungs, often working long hours with little time off. Despite their work’s physically demanding and sometimes hazardous nature, scullery maids played a crucial role in ensuring that the kitchen ran smoothly and that the family’s meals were served on time.

Duties and Daily Life of a Scullery Maid

Some of the most overlooked figures in historic households were the scullery maids. These hardworking individuals played a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and organization of the kitchen and dining areas. Their daily tasks were far from glamorous but imperative for the smooth running of the household.

The Nitty-Gritty: Tasks and Responsibilities

Life as a scullery maid revolved around a never-ending list of duties. From scouring pots and pans to scrubbing floors, their tasks were physically demanding and required a keen eye for detail. Scullery maids were responsible for washing dishes, polishing silverware, and ensuring the kitchen was spotless. Additionally, they helped prepare meals by peeling vegetables, plucking feathers from poultry, and performing other menial tasks to assist the cook.

Furthermore, scullery maids were often in charge of fetching and carrying water for cooking and cleaning purposes. This meant frequent trips to the well or pump, regardless of the weather conditions. Their work was relentless, with extended hours spent on their feet ensuring the kitchen operations ran smoothly.

Working Hours and Conditions

Conditions for scullery maids were far from ideal. They typically worked long hours, sometimes starting at 5 am and finishing late at night. The work was physically exhausting, with little time for rest or leisure. The kitchen environment was hot and humid, filled with the steam and heat from cooking fires, making the work even more challenging.

Understanding the life of a scullery maid provides insight into the harsh realities faced by working-class individuals in historic times. Their unrelenting schedule and physically demanding tasks highlight the grit and determination required to survive such conditions. While their work may have been arduous, scullery maids played an integral role in the functioning of the household, often without recognition or appreciation.

Hierarchies within the Servant Quarters

The Rigid Structure of Domestic Servants

Many historic homes were run with a strict hierarchy in the servant quarters, with each servant having a defined role and place within the household. The hierarchy was crucial for maintaining order and efficiency in the running of the estate. At the top of the hierarchy were the butler and housekeeper, who were responsible for overseeing the other servants and managing the daily operations of the household. Below them were the footmen, maids, and other domestic servants, each with specific duties.

An essential aspect of the rigid structure within the domestic servant hierarchy was the division of labor based on social class and gender. Men typically held positions such as butler or footman, while women were often employed as maids or scullery maids. This division of labor was not only based on traditional gender roles but also maintained a sense of order and discipline within the household.

The rigid structure of domestic servants also extended to their living quarters. Servants were often segregated based on their positions, with higher-ranking servants having more comfortable accommodations than lower-ranking ones. This segregation helped reinforce the hierarchy and prevent familiarity between servants of different ranks, which could potentially disrupt the order within the household.

The Scullery Maid’s Place in the Pecking Order

The Scullery Maid occupied a unique place in the hierarchy of domestic servants, playing a vital role in the smooth running of the household. Responsible for cleaning and maintaining the kitchen and dining areas, the Scullery Maid’s role was imperative for ensuring that meals were prepared and served efficiently. Despite being at the bottom of the servant hierarchy, the Scullery Maid held a position of importance within the household, as their work directly impacted the daily functioning of the estate.

With extended hours and demanding tasks, the Scullery Maid’s place in the pecking order was challenging yet imperative. They were often responsible for the most physically demanding and repetitive tasks, such as scrubbing pots and pans, fetching water, and cleaning the kitchen floors. While their position was not glamorous, the Scullery Maid’s hard work and dedication were crucial for ensuring that the household ran smoothly and meals were prepared on time.

With their crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of the kitchen, the Scullery Maid was an indispensable member of the domestic servant hierarchy. While they may not have held a prestigious position like the butler or housekeeper, the Scullery Maid’s contributions were imperative for the smooth operation of the household, highlighting the significance of every role within the servant quarters.

Living Quarters and Lifestyle

Once again, let’s research the intriguing world of scullery maids in historic homes. These hardworking individuals played a crucial role in the daily upkeep of grand households, often working long hours to ensure that the kitchen and dining areas were kept in pristine condition. However, their responsibilities extended beyond just scrubbing pots and pans. Let’s take a closer look at these dedicated servants’ living quarters and lifestyle.

The Scullery Maid’s Accommodations

Maids in large estates typically lived in small, cramped quarters in the basem*nt or attic of the house. These accommodations were sparse, with little to no privacy or comfort. The scullery maid’s room often consisted of a simple bed, a small wardrobe for her uniforms, and perhaps a rudimentary washbasin for personal hygiene. Despite the lack of luxury, these living spaces were considered a privilege compared to what other lower-tier servants might be allotted.

Scullery maids were expected to rise early in the morning to start their chores and retire late at night once the day’s work was done. Their work’s demanding nature meant they had little time for leisure or relaxation. However, some lucky individuals found solace in their few hours off duty, often chatting with fellow servants or reading a book borrowed from the house library.

In rare instances, scullery maids with exceptional skills or friendly relationships with higher-ranking staff members might be granted additional privileges, such as attending social gatherings hosted by the household or accompanying the family on outings. These opportunities offered a brief respite from the daily grind and allowed the maids to experience a taste of the luxurious lifestyle enjoyed by their employers.

Social Life and Recreation

Scullery maids had limited opportunities for socializing or recreation due to the demanding nature of their work. However, during rare downtime, they often gathered with other servants in the pantry or kitchen to chat and share gossip. These brief interludes provided a welcome break from the monotonous routine of scrubbing dishes and polishing silver.

Plus, some households might have organized occasional gatherings or events for the staff, such as a simple tea party or a game night. These small gestures helped boost morale and fostered a sense of camaraderie among the servants. Despite their lower status in the household hierarchy, scullery maids found ways to connect with their peers and carve out moments of joy amidst their demanding duties.

Attire and Appearance

Dress Code for the Scullery Maid

The attire and appearance of a scullery maid in historic homes were distinct and served both practical and hierarchical purposes. The dress code for a scullery maid was meticulously regulated to distinguish her from other household staff and denote her lowly position within the household hierarchy. Scullery maids were typically required to wear plain, functional dresses made of inexpensive, durable cotton or linen fabrics.

Aprons were a necessary part of the scullery maid’s attire, protecting her clothing from splashes and stains while performing her duties in the hot and steamy environment of the scullery. Additionally, a simple cap or headscarf was often worn to keep hair out of the way and maintain a tidy appearance. These garments were practical and symbolic of the scullery maid’s role as a servant in the household.

Practical Considerations for Clothing

The clothing worn by scullery maids was carefully selected based on practical considerations that suited the nature of their work. Comfort and ease of movement were paramount, as scullery maids were tasked with physically demanding chores such as scrubbing pots and pans, fetching water, and stoking fires. The garments were typically loose-fitting to allow for freedom of movement and keep the maid cool in the kitchen’s heat.

Durability was another crucial factor in selecting clothing for a scullery maid. The nature of her work exposed her garments to constant wear and tear, including stains from food and water. Therefore, clothing was often made from hard-wearing fabrics that withstand frequent washing and rough handling without losing shape or quality.


It was important for scullery maids to maintain a neat and presentable appearance despite the challenging nature of their work. While their clothing was practical, it was also expected to be clean and well-maintained. This attention to appearance reflected the cleanliness and orderliness expected in a well-managed household.

Scullery Maids in Different Cultures

Ever Heard Of A Scullery Maids? Discover Their Role In Historic Homes (3)

Despite the specific title of “scullery maid” being rooted in European history, similar roles existed in various cultures worldwide. These individuals were responsible for the labor-intensive tasks in the kitchen, such as washing dishes, pots, and pans, as well as cleaning and scouring kitchen utensils.

Comparing Roles Across Europe

Maids’ scullery duties varied slightly across European countries, but the core responsibilities remained the same. In England, scullery maids worked long hours, starting their day before dawn to prepare the kitchen for the day’s cooking. They endured challenging conditions, often working in hot and cramped environments.

CountryScullery Maid Responsibilities
FranceScrubbing floors and washing dishes
GermanyScouring pots and pans
ItalyAssisting with meal preparation

Despite the variations in tasks, scullery maids were generally the lowest-ranked servants in the household hierarchy, often facing harsh working conditions and minimal pay. Their hard work and dedication were essential to the kitchen’s smooth functioning and the household’s overall running.

Beyond Europe: The Scullery Maid Equivalent in Various Cultures

Europe was not the only continent where the role of the scullery maid or its equivalent existed. In countries like China, Japan, and India, similar positions existed with duties revolving around kitchen maintenance and support for the central kitchen staff.

Cultures worldwide recognized the importance of these roles in maintaining a clean and efficient kitchen, showcasing the universal need for such labor in households of all sizes and backgrounds. The contributions of scullery maids, or their equivalents, are a testament to their vital role in culinary history and household management.

Notable Figures: The Scullery Maids Who Rose in Rank

Success Stories: From Scullery to Seniority

Rose, from humble beginnings, several scullery maids in history defied the odds and climbed the social ladder within the households they served. By displaying dedication, hard work, and often exemplary culinary skills, these individuals elevated their status from the kitchen to more senior positions. They proved that with ambition and perseverance, even those in the lowest rungs of the household hierarchy could carve out a path to success.

One inspiring example is Mary Jane Kinnaird, who started as a scullery maid in a prestigious Victorian manor. Through her commitment to excellence and efficiency, she caught the eye of the lady of the house and was eventually promoted to head housekeeper, overseeing the entire domestic staff. Kinnaird’s story serves as a testament to the opportunities for advancement occasionally available to those in domestic service.

These success stories highlight the personal achievements of these remarkable individuals and provide valuable insight into the changing dynamics of historic households. The rise of scullery maids to positions of seniority underscores the importance of recognizing and nurturing talent irrespective of social background, a lesson that resonates even today.

Historical Accounts of Prominent Former Scullery Maids

An intriguing account from the annals of history tells the tale of Agnes Beaumont, a scullery maid in the early 18th century. Known for her sharp wit and resourcefulness, Beaumont played a pivotal role in foiling a nefarious plot against the noble family she served. Her quick thinking and bravery saved the household from danger and earned her a position as personal assistant to the lady of the manor.

Beaumont’s story serves as a reminder of the often underestimated capabilities of those in service roles and the potential for them to rise to prominence through their actions. Her legacy symbolizes empowerment and resilience in adversity, a narrative that inspires generations.

Scullery maids in history were not merely background characters in the grand tapestry of historic homes. Their journey from the depths of the kitchen to positions of influence exemplifies the transformative power of hard work, determination, and talent. These accounts shed light on the untold stories of individuals who defied societal norms and expectations to leave a lasting impact on the households they served.

The Decline of the Scullery Maid

Technological Advancements and Their Impact

All technological advancements have profoundly impacted the role of the scullery maid in historic homes. The need for manual labor decreased significantly with the introduction of modern kitchen appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, and vacuum cleaners. These labor-saving devices made scrubbing dishes, laundering clothes, and cleaning floors much quicker and easier.

As a result, the demand for scullery maids dwindled as their duties became less critical in maintaining the household. The efficiency and convenience of these new inventions meant that fewer servants were required to manage the extensive workload of a large estate. The decline of the scullery maid was inevitable in the face of these technological advancements that revolutionized domestic work.

While these innovations undoubtedly improved the quality of life for many, they also signaled the end of an era for the scullery maid. Their traditional role in historic homes became obsolete as modernization swept through households, reshaping the dynamics of domestic service and rendering certain positions redundant.

Societal Changes and the End of an Era

On the other hand, societal changes played a crucial role in the decline of the scullery maid. The shift towards more egalitarian values and labor laws protecting workers’ rights led to reevaluating the traditional servant-master relationship. As the middle class grew and more opportunities became available outside of domestic service, the appeal of working as a scullery maid waned.

For instance, the rise of women’s rights and the push for gender equality highlighted the demeaning and exploitative nature of domestic servitude. The idea of young women toiling away in the seclusion of a scullery for little pay and long hours became increasingly unacceptable to society. This changing attitude towards domestic work further contributed to the decline of the scullery maid.

Preserving the Legacy

The Scullery Maid in Literature and Media

With the rise of historical fiction and period dramas, the figure of the scullery maid has captured the imagination of audiences worldwide. Often portrayed as the unsung heroines of historic households, scullery maids are depicted as hardworking individuals who play a crucial role in keeping the household running smoothly. From novels to television series, these fictional representations have shed light on the challenging yet necessary duties of scullery maids in historic homes.

In popular culture, scullery maids are portrayed as characters who navigate the complexities of social hierarchy within the household. Their interactions with other servants and the gentry offer exciting insights into the dynamics of class relations during different periods. These portrayals not only entertain audiences but also educate them about the realities of life for individuals in service roles.

Through literature and media, the legacy of the scullery maid is kept alive, ensuring that their contributions to historic homes are not forgotten. By humanizing these often overlooked figures, authors and filmmakers bring attention to the resilience and hard work of scullery maids, enriching our understanding of the past.

Museums and Historical Homes Keeping the Memory Alive

On the grounds of museums and historic homes, the memory of the scullery maid is meticulously preserved for future generations to learn from and appreciate. Visitors can step into recreated sculleries, complete with period-accurate tools and equipment, gaining a firsthand glimpse into the daily lives of these dedicated servants. Through guided tours and interactive exhibits, museums bring the stories of scullery maids to life, connecting modern audiences with the past.

Legacy: Museums play a vital role in preserving the legacy of the scullery maid by showcasing artifacts and personal belongings that once belonged to these unsung heroes. By highlighting the challenges they faced and their invaluable contributions to historic homes, museums honor the memory of scullery maids and ensure that their stories continue to resonate with visitors. The legacy of the scullery maid lives on through these educational and engaging experiences, keeping their vital role in history alive.

Contemporary Reflections

Modern-Day Resonance of Scullery Maids’ Experiences

Remember the hardships and challenges scullery maids face in historic homes as we reflect on their experiences in contemporary society. While the role of domestic workers has evolved, there are still echoes of the inequality and exploitation that were prevalent in the past. Many individuals in domestic service today continue to face low wages, long hours, and lack of benefits, reminiscent of the struggles of scullery maids.

The resilience and dedication exhibited by scullery maids serve as a poignant reminder of the importance of recognizing and valuing the contributions of all workers, regardless of their roles. By acknowledging the legacy of scullery maids and other domestic workers, we can strive towards creating a more equitable and respectful environment for those in similar occupations today.

As we draw parallels between the past and present, it is essential to advocate for fair wages, labor rights, and improved working conditions for domestic workers. By amplifying their voices and advocating for change, we can honor the legacy of scullery maids and work towards a more just and inclusive society.

Lessons from History: The Evolution of Domestic Work

To gain a deeper understanding of the role of domestic work in society, it is crucial to examine the evolution of domestic work over the centuries. Domestic work has undergone significant changes from the labor-intensive tasks performed by scullery maids in historic homes to the modern-day complexities of household management.

Domestic work has often been undervalued and marginalized, leading to exploitation and poor working conditions for those employed in this sector. By studying the history of domestic work, we can recognize the progress made and identify areas where further improvements are needed to ensure dignity, respect, and fair treatment for domestic workers.

Understanding the historical context of domestic work can help us appreciate the contributions of domestic workers and advocate for their rights in the present day. By learning from the experiences of scullery maids and other domestic workers throughout history, we can work towards a more equitable and just society for all.

Summing up

Conclusively, exploring the role of scullery maids in historic homes provides valuable insight into the daily lives of these often-overlooked individuals. Their hard work and dedication were vital in maintaining the functioning of the household, particularly regarding the cleanliness and organization of the kitchen and dining areas. Despite their challenging conditions, scullery maids played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of the household.

Furthermore, learning about the duties and responsibilities of scullery maids sheds light on the hierarchical structure within historic homes and the social dynamics of the time. Their interactions with other household members, from the kitchen staff to the family members, reveal the complexities of life in these grand estates. By examining the roles of scullery maids, we better understand the broader societal norms and expectations that shaped their experiences.

In brief, the history of scullery maids serves as a reminder of the often unseen labor that supported the lifestyles of the wealthy and privileged. By recognizing and honoring the contributions of these individuals, we can appreciate the intricate tapestry of roles within historic homes. Their stories are a testament to resilience, hard work, and the enduring legacy of those who toiled behind the scenes to keep households running smoothly.


Q: Who were scullery maids in historic homes?

A: Scullery maids were kitchen staff responsible for washing dishes, pots, and pans in large, historic homes.

Q: What were the primary duties of a scullery maid?

A: The primary duties of a scullery maid included cleaning and scrubbing kitchen utensils, maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen, and assisting the cooks with food preparation.

Q: How were scullery maids viewed in historic households?

A: Scullery maids were considered the lowest-ranking members of the household staff and often worked long hours with minimal pay and recognition.

Q: What was the working environment like for scullery maids?

A: The working environment for scullery maids was hot, humid, and physically demanding, as they were constantly on their feet and working over hot stoves and open fires.

Q: What were the living conditions for scullery maids like?

A: Scullery maids often lived in cramped quarters in the basem*nt or attic of the household, with little to no privacy or comfort.

Q: How did the role of scullery maids evolve?

A: As technology advanced and household sizes decreased, the need for scullery maids declined, and modern kitchen appliances and equipment gradually replaced their roles.

Q: What is the legacy of scullery maids in historic homes?

A: Scullery maids played a vital role in the functioning of historic homes despite their often difficult working conditions, and their contributions are recognized as an essential part of our cultural heritage.

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Ever Heard Of A Scullery Maids? Discover Their Role In Historic Homes (2024)


What were the duties of a scullery maid? ›

The scullery maid provided hot water for the scullery, kitchen tasks, and household. In addition to her other tasks, the scullery maid had to keep the scullery clean by clearing away meat and vegetable garbage, scrubbing work tables, and swilling the floors. The water was carried through a drain outside the house.

What was the routine of a scullery maid? ›

You must assist the Kitchen Maid with any food preparation for the Family's dinner and Servants' Supper and continuously wash up any pots and pans used. After the Family's Dinner has been served you must clean the Kitchen Passages, Pantries, Scullery and Kitchen.

What were the duties of a maid in the Middle Ages? ›

A lady's maid's specific duties included helping her mistress with her appearance, including make-up, hairdressing, clothing, jewellery, and shoes. A lady's maid would also remove stains from clothing; sew, mend, and alter garments as needed; bring her mistress breakfast in her room; and draw her mistress's bath.

What is the history of the scullery? ›

A scullery is a small kitchen or room at the back of the house used for washing dishes and other dirty household work. Until recently, sculleries were most often associated with the Victorian period and turn of the 20th century in larger homes where the kitchen was not a place to be seen. Think of Downton Abbey.

Where do scullery maids sleep? ›

Housemaids, scullery maids and kitchen maids slept on the attic floor of the house. Two to a room, in some houses they even shared beds.

What time did scullery maids wake up? ›

6:00 am ​- First up is ​Poppy, the scullery maid​- who gets the kitchen range hot enough to boil the water for tea. 6:30 am ​- The alarm rings in the housemaids' rooms (​Jane and Charlotte​). Their early tasks include struggling into corsets and putting on their bloomers.

Did scullery maids get paid? ›

The Scullery Maid

She did not eat in the Servant's Hall with the other servants but instead watched over anything still cooking in the kitchen. She was paid around £2 10 shillings per year, worth approximately £12 today.

What is the difference between a kitchen maid and a scullery maid? ›

In the hierarchy of a great house, the kitchen maid ranked below a cook and above a scullery maid. An experienced kitchen maid is an assistant cook; the position may be compared to that of a chef de partie in a professional kitchen.

What is the male version of a scullery maid? ›

The name derives from the fact that the hall boy usually slept in the servants' hall. Like his female counterpart, the scullery maid, the hall boy would have been expected to work up to 16 hours per day, seven days per week.

What did ladies maids do all day? ›

A lady's maids' specific duties included helping her mistress with her appearance, such as make-up, hairdressing, clothing, jewelry and shoes.

What's the most important duty of the maid of honor? ›

First and foremost, your role should be to keep the bride as calm as possible by providing emotional support. "Weddings are an emotional time. A bride designates her maid or matron of honor as her most cherished confidant to share in all the emotions of planning and celebrating a wedding," Krug says.

What did maids do in the 1800s? ›

The housemaid was responsible for keeping the house clean and in order. She was meant to do much of this out of view of the family and so had to rise very early in the morning to complete her work. It was also necessary to keep to a very strict routine to ensure that all the work was done.

What is a scullery girl? ›

scullery maid(Noun) (formerly, in large houses) A domestic servant, of lowest status, whose job is to wash dishes and do other menial chores. In great houses, scullery maids were the lowest-ranked and often the youngest of the female servants and acted as assistant to a kitchen maid.

Why was it called a scullery? ›

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: Middle English squilerie, sculerie, department of household in charge of dishes, from Anglo-French esquilerie, from escuele, eskel bowl, from Latin scutella, drinking bowl.

Who does a scullery maid serve? ›

These domestic servants were almost always female in the 1800s and were sometimes called skivvies, which is also a word used to describe underwear. Scullery maids did the most humble tasks in the household, including laundering the underwear of the upper servants like butlers, housekeepers, and cooks.

What is the difference between a pantry and a scullery? ›

No, a scullery and pantry are not the same thing. A scullery is a separate room or area dedicated to cleaning and washing dishes, pots, and pans, while a pantry is a storage space for food, ingredients, and sometimes kitchenware. Both serve different purposes in a home's organization and functionality.

What is the difference between a kitchen and a scullery? ›

Historically, sculleries are associated with grand Victorian homes or English manors where kitchens were not to be seen. Today, the scullery is an additional prep room off of the kitchen for overflow dishes and plenty of cabinet storage.

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